Weekly Links #113

Top 10 Links For 11-17/5

  1. How Building a Platform Changed my Career as a Programmer
  2. Why should we care about containers for development
  3. The Perils of Using a Common Redux Anti-Pattern
  4. Error handling in React 16 using Error Boundaries
  5. 3 easy steps to writing compound components
  6. A Strategy Guide To CSS Custom Properties
  7. React 16 — What can it do for you? — Part 2
  8. Fear and Loathing in Legacy Code
  9. Helping Teams Get Started
  10. Storybook vs Styleguidist

Weekly Links #112

Top 15 Links For 4-10/5

  1. Introducing the Checks API, a better way to connect integrations and code
  2. How to build sturdy React apps with TDD and the React Testing Library
  3. Building a custom dropdown menu component for React
  4. The 10 biggest announcements from Google I/O 2018
  5. The Front-End Tooling Survey 2018 – Results
  6. Testing Button Click in React with Jest
  7. Stack Overflow Teams Now Available
  8. How we make decisions at Coinbase
  9. Inspecting Animations in DevTools
  10. Reaching Peak Meeting Efficiency
  11. 10 CLI Tools that You Will Love
  12. Styling buttons, the right way
  13. Mixing Component Patterns
  14. You Don’t Need If/Else
  15. Unicode in JavaScript

Weekly Links #111

Top 10 Links For 27/4-3/5

  1. Capture and Report JavaScript Errors with window.onerror
  2. Use Hash#fetch when using Rails params in controllers
  3. React Context in the World of Component Composition
  4. How To Get Your Coworker To Agree With You
  5. A guide to JavaScript Regular Expressions
  6. Building a UI Component Design System
  7. 7 Tricks for Improving CSS Performance
  8. Display: Contents Is Not a CSS Reset
  9. The Three Levels of Self-Awareness
  10. Solved With CSS! Dropdown Menus

Weekly Links #108

Top 10 Links For 6-12/4

  1. How CSS works: Parsing & painting CSS in the critical rendering path
  2. Why Constructive Discontent Is the Ultimate Competitive Advantage
  3. A tale of Webpack 4 and how to finally configure it in the right way
  4. A thorough guide to Git architecture and command line interface
  5. React’s new context API: toggle between local and global state
  6. Here are three upcoming changes to JavaScript that you’ll love
  7. How to Create a Component Library From SVG Illustrations
  8. Rails Service Objects: A Comprehensive Guide
  9. ES6 in Action: Symbols and Their Uses
  10. Compose Render Props

Weekly Links #107

Top 10 Links For 30/3-5/4

  1. Using advanced design patterns to create flexible and reusable React components (Part 1)
  2. Here are examples of everything new in ECMAScript 2016, 2017, and 2018
  3. Calling all web developers: here’s why you should be using Firefox
  4. Webpack 4 in production: How to make your life easier
  5. Understanding Elastic Search – How does it work?
  6. Solved With CSS! Colorizing SVG Backgrounds
  7. How to Get Yourself Out of Technical Debt
  8. Creating themeable design systems
  9. Introducing the react-testing-library
  10. Data Tables

Weekly Links #106

Top 20 Links For 23-29/3

  1. Understanding the this keyword, call, apply, and bind in JavaScript
  2. Top JavaScript VSCode Extensions for Faster Development
  3. The Future of JavaScript Frameworks Looks Very Fast
  4. These “Humble” Behaviors Are Hurting Your Credibility
  5. DevDocs is joining the freeCodeCamp community
  6. Understanding React Render Props by Example
  7. React v16.3.0: New lifecycles and context API
  8. VSCode Extensions for JavaScript developers
  9. Blogged Answers: Redux – Not Dead Yet!
  10. Elapsed time with Ruby, the right way
  11. Modern Frontend Developer in 2018
  12. ES modules: A cartoon deep-dive
  13. Where to Initialize State in React
  14. When to NOT use Render Props
  15. Update on Async Rendering
  16. git log – the Good Parts
  17. Understanding CORS
  18. Ruby Benchmarking
  19. Reading list 2017
  20. V8 release v6.6

Weekly Links #105

Top 15 Links For 16-22/3

  1. How to Add a CSS and JavaScript Sticky Menu, PLUS 7 Beautiful Examples
  2. How to NOT React: Common Anti-Patterns and Gotchas in React
  3. Cool Chrome DevTools tips and tricks you wish you knew already
  4. Check out these useful ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) tips and tricks
  5. 20 MAR Smaller Lodash bundles with Webpack and Babel
  6. 3 things that slow down and make your RSpec tests worse
  7. Check Your Database Indexes For ActiveRecord Scopes
  8. 5 very useful React tips you might have never heard of
  9. Mastering JavaScript this Keyword – Detailed Guide
  10. typeof null: investigating a classic JavaScript bug
  11. CSS: The bad bits (and how to avoid them)
  12. Getting Started With The Web MIDI API
  13. But really, what is a JavaScript mock?
  14. JSONify your Ruby Translations
  15. An IDE for React.js

Weekly Links #104

Top 10 Links For 9-15/3

  1. How JavaScript works: the rendering engine and tips to optimize its performance
  2. 17 JavaScript / node.js performance coding tips to make applications faster
  3. The Critical Path: Optimizing Load Times With the Chrome DevTools
  4. React Tutorial: A Comprehensive Guide to learning React.js in 2018
  5. Best practices on how to work with collections in Javascript
  6. How Great Leaders Develop Mental Toughness to Thrive
  7. How we started using Redux-Form in our Rails apps
  8. Why design systems are a single point of failure
  9. Five Key Git Concepts Explained the Hard Way
  10. Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2018